Products that Promote Good Health

At Firmly Planted, we research and personally use in our daily life the amazing products we offer our clients. They need to

align with our core values. It is our desire to offer our clients the very best options that support and promote

good health ~ from the toes up.

just better.™ Fiber

Dietary fiber does way more than just keep you regular. It can help lower cholesterol, keep your blood sugar stable, and make it easier to lose weight. It is an important weapon in the fight against heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. All fiber comes from plants and is essential for proper digestion and elimination. But 97% of us don’t eat enough fiber. The daily fiber recommendation for adults is 25g for women and 38g for men.

just better.™ is Non-GMO soluble corn fiber. That’s it! It’s an easy way to add fiber to your diet without gas or bloating. Simply dissolve into your favorite food or beverages. It has no flavor, taste or color and dissolves completely! just better.™ is a very low glycemic index (GI) ingredient (less than 5) and can moderate the blood glucose elevation from starchy foods. Digestible saccharides (simple carbohydrates) are more slowly absorbed when ingested with just better.™

I have learned from my European instructors that our gut is full of white blood cells (the fighters) and that much of our serotonin is replaced in our gut. just better.™ Fiber is prebiotic that assists the body in growing and maintaining that healthy gut flora. Testimonies from Just Better users include, lower cholesterol, stabilizing of the blood sugar,  a sense of fullness that lessens cravings assisting with weight loss. Firmly Planted is proud offer just better.™ to you!

Correct Toes®

We are trained and certified in the fitting and proper use of Correct Toes® because ‘you were born with perfect feet’. Created by sports podiatrist and elite distance runner Dr. Ray McClanahan, Correct Toes® are customizable and comfortable toe spacers that enable you to combat and prevent common foot problems.

Conventional shoes may in time weaken our feet, deform our toes causing our muscles to shorten possibly atrophy. If this happens our foot arches may be forced to perform in unnatural ways, altering gait, posture, and balance. Strength and mobility are great features in achieving good health.

My personal experience with Correct Toes® is the relief of pain of my psoas muscle, low back and sciatic nerve. I can feel the relaxation of the muscle and nerve when wearing my Correct Toes®. I used to live with great pain that limited me physically. It is absolutely wonderful to walk longer distances, begin to run not having to stop and rest! This certainly proved to me that returning to a natural toe spread definitely has a positive effect on the entire body!